About Us

Richard Dimitri has been involved with antiques from the age of fifteen in New York City, running (selling) antiques to many of New York’s finest upper east side dealers. With a backpack full of small treasures, like Saint-Cloud porcelain, Luristan bronzes, painted Delft figures, micro mosaics, African and Tribal sculpture, marbles, bronzes, lacquered boxes, what once was a side-line turned into a passion. While on a music scholarship in Salzburg, he purchased a Gothic sculpture and this blossomed into more purchases of sculpture and paintings of all periods, culminating in the discovery of John Deare’s, Venus Riding a Sea Monster, which he sold to the Getty Museum. He has lived in Los Angeles since the late 1970’s, working as a private dealer and consultant/advisor to museums, corporate collections and private clients.
Christianne Dimitri is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and thereafter Sotheby’s Institute of Art. In 1986, following years at Sotheby’s auction house, New York, Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Department and the Getty Museum’s Antiquities Archive, Malibu, she established her original Los Angeles gallery, focusing on 18th century European furniture and objects and offering appraisal services.
In 2002 they formed a partnership in Engs-Dimitri Works of Art. Their philosophy being not to sell anything they would not have in their own collection and a strong belief everyone should have art in their homes, whether it be a child’s drawing or a sculpture by John Deare. “Our job is to educate and protect our clients so they have confidence in their collections whether for love or investment”. Art is a language one does not need to speak to understand.
Engs-Dimitri Works of Art are members of the Art and Antique Dealers League of America, (AADLA), and the Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Œuvres d’Art, (C.I.N.O.A.)